最近  聽聞蔡依林的新專輯    我才又開始重聽英文老歌
(題外話~聽情歌總會想起 自從辛當兵了以後 我們的感情又繫得更緊了)
其實最先是想找Sarah Mclachlan(莎拉克勞克蘭)的Angel來聽聽
結果後來發現    Jon Secada(強西卡達)的Angel很好聽
他也覺得這首歌很特別     我就覺得聲音很熟悉
果不其然    是風中奇緣的 If I never knew you
大部份的人應該都是對 Color of the wind 比較熟稔
話說回來   If I never knew you這首歌有2個版本  以下來介紹
Mel Gibson(梅爾吉勃遜) & Judy Kuhn(茱蒂寇兒)  -電影版
Performed by Jon Secada(強西卡達) &Shanice (仙妮絲) -流行版
不過後面兩人互飆歌的對唱    感覺真是不賴
後來就想到仙妮絲也有翻唱過著名的海豚音(Lovin' You)
最後   附上中英文對照歌詞    (我都忍不住想說   歌詞像是最近的心情)
If I never knew you   (如果我從未認識你)
If i never felt this love  (如果我從未感受這份愛)
I would have no inkling of  (我根本不會察覺)
How precious life can be  (人生有多麼珍貴)

And if I never held you  (如果我從未擁抱你)
I would never have a clue  (我就不會一絲線索)
How at last I'd find in you  (找到我今生的摯愛)
The missing part of me.  (那些我失去的部份)

In this world so full of fear  (是由於恐懼與謊言)
Full of rage and lies  (充斥了這整個世界)
I can see the truth so clear  (但從你的眼中  真理能被瞧見)
In your eyes   So dry your eyes (在你那透徹的雙眼)

And I'm so grateful to you  (這份感激  我難以言喻)
I'd have lived my whole life through   (要不是你  我的人生將)
Lost forever  (永遠迷失)
If I never knew you  (如果我從未認識你)

If I never knew you  (三生有幸遇見你)
I'd be safe but half as real  (因為心中少了真實的安全感)
Never knowing I could feel  (我不知道對一份愛)
A love so strong and true  (有這麼強烈與真實的感覺)

I'm so grateful to you  (對於你  我真的心存感謝)
I'd have lived my whole life through  (我的生命)
Lost forever  (終將永遠迷失)
If I never knew you  (如果我從沒見過你)

I thought our love would be so beautiful  (我們的愛是如此的美好)
Somehow we'd make the whole world bright  (不知怎麼  我們讓世界倒轉)
I never knew that fear and hate could be so strong(我不會知道那恐懼與仇恨會如此的強烈)
all they'd leave us were these wispers in the night(唯一在黑夜裡留下的  只是沒有用的耳語)
But still my heart is saying we were right  (但我的內心仍告訴我這是對的)

Oh if I never knew you  (如果我從未認識你)
(There is no moment I regret) (分分秒秒我也不後悔)
If i never knew you    (如果我從未找到這份愛)
(Since the moment that we met)  (從我們認識的那刻起)
I'd have no inkling of how precious life can be (不然我不會發現  人生如此珍貴)
(If our time's auspicious as that)  (我們的美好時光 永不止息)
(Is here at last)  (直到永遠)

I thought our love would be so beautiful (我們的愛如此動人)
(So beautiful )  (前所未有新甜蜜)
Somehow we'd make the whole world bright (世界因我們而轉))
I thought our love would be so beautiful (前所未有新甜蜜  美得讓人驚喜)
We'd turn the darkness into light (把黑夜趕出天之外)
And still my heart is saying we were right  (直覺告訴我不會錯)
we were right  (不可能再錯過)

And if I never knew you  (如果我沒遇見你)
If I never knew you  (如果我倆未曾相識)
I'd have lived my whole life through  (我的人生會)
Empty as the sky  (像天一樣虛無)
Never knowing why  (永遠不知情)
Lost forever  (永遠的迷失)
If I never knew you  (如果說我從未認識你)
If I never knew you (如果說我從未遇見你…)
If I never knew you

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